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Mesa, Arizona, United States
EDUCATION: Holt High School, Holt Mich., Lansing Community College, Southwestern Theological Seminary, National Apostolic Bible College. MINISTERIAL EXPERIENCE: 51 years of pastoral experience, 11 churches in Arizona, New Mexico and Florida. Missionary work in Costa Rica. Bishop of the Districts of New Mexico and Florida for the Apostolic Assembly. Taught at the Apostolic Bible College of Florida and the Apostolic Bible College of Arizona. Served as President of the Florida Apostolic Bible College. Served as Secretary of Education in Arizona and New Mexico. EDUCACIÓN: Holt High School, Holt Michigan, Lansing Community College, Seminario Teológico Southwestern, Colegio Bíblico Nacional. EXPERIENCIA MINISTERIAL: 51 años de experiencia pastoral, 11 iglesias en los estados de Arizona, Nuevo México y la Florida. Trabajo misionera en Costa Rica. Obispo de la Asamblea Apostólica en los distritos de Nuevo México y La Florida. He enseñado en el Colegio Bíblico Apostólico de la Florida y el Colegio Bíblico Apostólico de Arizona. Presidente del Colegio Bíblico de la Florida. Secretario de Educación en los distritos de Nuevo México y Arizona.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


Romans 1:24-32

I have heard many liberal theologians say that the Bible is out of date and not relevant for today. Since it was written so many years ago, they argue that what was then sin is not sin today. The prevalent thought in the world today they argue is that Christians, the church, and the Bible are out of step with modern attitudes towards homosexuality. Are the liberal theologians correct to say that the Word of God is no longer pertinent to this day and age?  When a theologian’s interpretation of the Bible mirrors popular culture, it is reasonable to be a little suspicious.

Liberal theologians claim that the Bible doesn’t forbid homosexual activity or that its commands aren’t valid for today, but were just a reflection of the culture in which the Bible was written. The Word of God actually talks about whether the Scriptures are constrained by times and cultures. God tells us that His Word abides forever and that “heaven and earth will pass away but His words will never pass away” (Matt 24:35).

Many view homosexuality as nothing more than an alternative lifestyle. Attitudes about homosexuality may differ from one generation to another or from one land to another. But Christians aren’t “carried hither and thither by every wind of teaching.” (Ephesians 4:14) Instead, they adhere to the biblical view.

The Gay movement continues to grow in force and number, and they are now demanding that their homosexual relationships be formally legalized as real marriage unions. As a result, many liberal-minded Christians are now supporting this legalization, thinking that God has no problems with this union; much less have any problems with homosexuality in general.

The controversy over this issue is not restricted to religion. Internationally, heated political debates are raging, since the social, political, and economic implications involving pensions, joint health care, and taxes are great. Issues involving civil rights and legal recognition are often very complicated and divide public opinion. True Christians are careful to maintain neutrality by avoiding political debates. Still, some who believe in the Bible find themselves confused regarding the subject of same-sex marriage and homosexuality. As Christians, the only thing that should matter to us is what God thinks about this issue not what the politicians think, not what some of the liberal media thinks, and not what the world in general thinks.

The basic argument of the liberal theologians is that the Bible is silent on the question of same-sex marriage. It doesn’t directly use the words, ‘two people of the same gender can’t marry’, and therefore God must approve of same-sex marriage. “The Bible never condemns same-sex marriage, partly because it simply does not address the issue directly,” they say. I’m sure we can think of many issues that the Bible doesn’t specifically condemn, but to turn around and conclude that those actions are God-approved is simply ridiculous. 

While the Bible does address homosexuality, it does not explicitly mention same-sex marriage. It is clear, however, that the Bible condemns homosexuality as an immoral and unnatural sin. Leviticus 8:22 identifies homosexual sex as an abomination, a detestable sin. Romans 1:26-27 declares homosexual desires and actions to be shameful, unnatural, lustful, and indecent. I Corinthians 6:9 states that homosexuals are unrighteous and will not inherit the kingdom of God. Since both homosexual desires and actions are condemned in the Bible, it is clear that homosexuals “marrying” is not God’s will, and would be, in fact, sinful.

The Bible is clear: God does not approve of or condone homosexual practices. He also disapproves of people who “consent with those practicing them.” (Romans 1:32) And “marriage” cannot give homosexuality a cloak of respectability. God’s direction that “marriage be honorable among all” precludes homosexual unions, which he considers detestable.​ (Hebrews 13:4)

God established rules governing marriage long before governments began regulating the institution. Whenever the Bible mentions marriage, it is between a male and a female. The first mention of marriage, Genesis 2:24, describes it as a man leaving his parents and being united to his wife. The Hebrew word “wife,” according to Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, “connotes one who is a female human being.” 

The Bible makes it clear that God designed sex to be engaged in only between a male and a female and only within the arrangement of marriage. (Genesis 1:27, 28; Leviticus 18:22; Proverbs 5:18, 19) When the Bible condemns fornication, it is referring to both homosexual and heterosexual conduct. (Galatians 5:19-21).

The Bible alone, however, does not have to be used to demonstrate this understanding of marriage. The biblical viewpoint of marriage has been the universal understanding of marriage in every human civilization in world history. History argues against gay marriage. Modern secular psychology recognizes that men and women are psychologically and emotionally designed to complement one another. Regarding the family, psychologists contend that a union between a man and woman in which both spouses serve as good gender role models is the best environment in which to raise well-adjusted children. Psychology argues against gay marriage.

In nature/physicality, clearly, men and women were designed to “fit” together sexually. With the “natural” purpose of sexual intercourse being procreation, clearly, only a sexual relationship between a man and a woman can fulfill this purpose.

In countries where homosexual rights campaigns are pervasive, some may object to using the word “unnatural” to describe homosexual behavior. However, is not God the final arbiter when it comes to nature? (Leviticus 18:22). Nature argues against gay marriage.

So, if the Bible, history, psychology, and nature all argue for marriage being between a man and a woman why is there such a controversy today? Why are those who are opposed to same-sex marriage labeled as hateful, intolerant bigots, no matter how respectfully the opposition is presented? Why is the gay rights movement so aggressively pushing for same-sex marriage when most people, religious and non-religious, are supportive of or at least far less opposed to gay couples having all the same legal rights as married couples with some form of civil union?

The answer, according to the Bible, is that everyone inherently knows that homosexuality is immoral and unnatural, and the only way to suppress this inherent knowledge is by normalizing homosexuality and attacking any and all opposition to it. The best way to normalize homosexuality is by placing same-sex marriage on an equal plane with traditional opposite-gender marriage. Romans 1:18-32 illustrates this. The truth is known because God has made it plain. The truth is rejected and replaced with a lie. The lie is then promoted and the truth suppressed and attacked. The vehemence and anger expressed by many in the gay rights movement to any who oppose them is, in fact, an indication that they know their position is indefensible. Trying to overcome a weak position by raising your voice is the oldest trick in the debating book. There is perhaps no more accurate description of the modern gay rights agenda than Romans 1:31, “they are senseless, faithless, heartless, and ruthless.”

To give sanction to same-sex marriage would be to approve of the homosexual lifestyle, which the Bible clearly and consistently condemns as sinful. Christians should stand firmly against the idea of same-sex marriage. Further, there are strong and logical arguments against same-sex marriage from contexts completely separated from the Bible. One does not have to be an evangelical Christian to recognize that marriage is between a man and a woman.

According to the Bible, marriage is ordained by God to be between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:21-24; Matthew 19:4-6). Same-sex marriage is a perversion of the institution of marriage and an offense to God who created marriage. As Christians, we are not to condone or ignore sin. Rather, we are to share the love of God and the forgiveness of sins that is available to all, including homosexuals, through Jesus Christ. We are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) and contend for truth with “gentleness and respect” (I Peter 3:1, 3:15). As Christians, when we make a stand for truth and the result is personal attacks, insults, and persecution, we should remember the words of Jesus: “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you” (John 15:18-19).

There is not one verse in the Bible that condones or supports same-sex marriage. This is a fact. As Christians, we are called to live Holy lives free from sinful activities. The issue here is not discrimination in terms of taking people's rights away but rather it is about confirming and supporting God's definition of marriage. Marriage is clearly defined in the Bible and in the Community as Heterosexual in nature, a male and a female in a loving relationship confirmed by vows at a public ceremony.

What does God think about same-sex marriages? The Bible gives us a very direct and solemn answer on this very controversial issue. It simply is a matter of putting together 3 very basic and solid verses from Scripture, and then extrapolating off these three basic verses.

The first verse is from Leviticus 20:13 where it says that a man shall not lie with another man as he would with a woman, and if he does, this act will be considered an abomination in the eyes of God. The second verse is from 1 Corinthians 6:9-11  where it lists the sin of homosexuality as one of the specific sins that will literally keep you from being able to enter into heaven when you die.

I believe these two specific verses from the Bible are God’s emphatic answer on this issue. When God says that any kind of homosexual activity will be considered an abomination in His sight and then tops it off by saying that this kind of activity will prevent you from being able to enter into heaven. These are the two strongest and strictest warnings that God can possibly give us on this one topic. In case you are thinking that this was the Old Covenant, think again, for the New Testament actually has more Scriptures condemning same-sex relationships than the Old Testament does.

When God uses the word “abomination” to describe this specific sin He is using the strongest and most intense word that He can possibly use to describe what He really thinks about this particular sin. There is simply no way to sugarcoat what these two verses are saying. They are both direct and as plain as day.

The third verse tells us that God does not change and that He is the same today as He was yesterday. What this tells us, without any other possible interpretation is that if God thought homosexuality was an abomination in the Old Testament than He will still think that it is an abomination in the New Testament.

There is simply no way that God is going to change His mind on this issue from Old Testament times to New Testament times especially with the Bible telling us that God does not, cannot, and will not change!

When God created the human race, He created one man and one woman and then told them to be fruitful and multiply. He created Eve for Adam. Nowhere in Scripture does God ever ordain or approve of any type of homosexual relationship between two men or two women.

When we understand these verses we can conclude that it does not take a rocket scientist to see what God’s opinion is going to be on any type of same-sex marriage.

In conclusion, if any type of homosexual activity is a complete and utter abomination in the eyes of God than trying to legalize a homosexual relationship under the holy grounds of marriage is going to be just as much of an abomination in His sight as any type of homosexual activity was beforehand.

The sacrament and institution of marriage is something very holy, very sacred, and very special in the eyes of God. Any homosexual who wants to try and take their abominable acts one step further into God’s holy ground of matrimony is mocking God Almighty Himself. Any liberal Christian who is thus actively supporting or engaging in this particular abomination is treading on extremely dangerous grounds.



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