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Mesa, Arizona, United States
EDUCATION: Holt High School, Holt Mich., Lansing Community College, Southwestern Theological Seminary, National Apostolic Bible College. MINISTERIAL EXPERIENCE: 51 years of pastoral experience, 11 churches in Arizona, New Mexico and Florida. Missionary work in Costa Rica. Bishop of the Districts of New Mexico and Florida for the Apostolic Assembly. Taught at the Apostolic Bible College of Florida and the Apostolic Bible College of Arizona. Served as President of the Florida Apostolic Bible College. Served as Secretary of Education in Arizona and New Mexico. EDUCACIÓN: Holt High School, Holt Michigan, Lansing Community College, Seminario Teológico Southwestern, Colegio Bíblico Nacional. EXPERIENCIA MINISTERIAL: 51 años de experiencia pastoral, 11 iglesias en los estados de Arizona, Nuevo México y la Florida. Trabajo misionera en Costa Rica. Obispo de la Asamblea Apostólica en los distritos de Nuevo México y La Florida. He enseñado en el Colegio Bíblico Apostólico de la Florida y el Colegio Bíblico Apostólico de Arizona. Presidente del Colegio Bíblico de la Florida. Secretario de Educación en los distritos de Nuevo México y Arizona.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


"Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes."
  Song of Solomon 2:15

Foxes sometimes in search of food would enter into the grape orchards and devour the grapes and spoil the crop. However, the little foxes were too small to reach the grape bunches so they would chew on the vines and it would kill the whole vine. Instead of the farmer just losing his crop, he would lose his vine which was more disastrous. Spiritually some things we do or allow that we might think are little or insignificant can also be disastrous for us.
This is a difficult subject to write on. But it is necessary to write on it because most church leaders have remained silent on this practice, even while many Christians are embracing a dangerous "little fox" or seemingly "little thing" that may seem harmless. The popularity of Tattoos and body piercing has increased tremendously. We are confronted by a revival of the old tribal practices of body scarification, body piercing and body mutilation, nose rings, eyebrow rings, belly rings, tongue studs, multiple earrings, nipple rings and tattoos. Some even have this done on unspeakable parts of their bodies. These are abnormal and unnatural and are all part of an identifiable sub-culture. How then can we tolerate this widespread practice of body piercing and tattooing in the church? "Fear the Lord your God, serve Him only … Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you; for the Lord your God … is a jealous God and His anger will burn against you … Do not test the Lord … Be sure to keep the commands of the Lord your God and the stipulations and decrees He has given you. Do what is right and good in the Lord’s sight, so that it may go well with you … in the future, when your sons asks you, ‘What is the meaning of the stipulations, decrees and laws the Lord your God has commanded you?’ ‘We were slaves of Pharaoh in Egypt, but the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand …" Deuteronomy 6:13 – 21
We understand many may have done these things prior to becoming a believer and were not aware of the spiritual dangers in such practices. This study is not meant to condemn anyone that may have already had this done but to put things in perspective and give answers to those who are searching. We would urge you to seek the Lord as to any further involvement in this practice.
People do not realize that what they are doing has its roots in witchcraft and the practices of false religions. Those that have made trips to other parts of the world have viewed the bodies of those who have not only pierced and tattooed their bodies but have gone further, with mutilating their bodies. There is one specific scripture; Isaiah 3:18-23 which uses the Hebrew word, "lachash," which is a word specifically associated with witchcraft. Here, the jewelry is used as an amulet to cast a spell. This is what makes it spiritually dangerous. People do not realize that this opens the door for satanic attack because they have a mark or an opening which allows the enemy entrance in their lives. Today this practice is growing because of false religions and pagan influences.
Christians are not to be dictated by the culture, and body piercing and tattooing is certainly a trend of the world; it is the spirit of our age. We are called to be holy, set apart and different from the world, consecrated to God. The very fact that pagans practice body piercing should be a compelling enough argument against Christians being conformed to the world. "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light" 1 Peter 2:9. "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – which is your spiritual worship. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing and perfect will" Romans 12: 1-2.
Our bodies matter. They are to be presented to God as holy offerings, in a way that pleases God. We are not to follow the example of the pagans. Making holes in our bodies is hardly respecting them as temples of the Holy Spirit. Permanently disfiguring our bodies is blatant rebellion to our Creator and Redeemer.
The interesting thing is that while so many rush into new age religions, body piercing and occultism, millions in the tribes in Africa, South America, Asia and the Pacific islands, are being converted to Christ and are abandoning the body piercing practices of their pagan past. It is very clear who are the Christians and who are the pagans in these mission fields. The pagans wear little or no clothing and they engage in a variety of body scarification, body piercing and or tattoos. On the other hand, the Christians are easily identifiable, they wear clothes and they don’t engage in any body modification.
Of course, some older people will still have the scars and the holes, testimony of the pagan past before they were converted, but all earrings, eyebrow rings, nose rings have been removed. And their children are free from these pagan disfigurements. It is unheard of in these areas for Christians to voluntarily pierce or tattoo their bodies. In fact, they are shocked when Western men visit them with ponytails and earrings.
As so many Christians have immersed themselves in pagan music, immoral videos and worldly amusements, it should not surprise us that so many are indistinguishable from their non-Christian friends. The mind-rotting, brain-numbing, soul-destroying trash that fills the ears, eyes and minds of people should be sufficient explanation for the backslidden, immoral and un-Christian behaviour, which now even includes professing Christians disfiguring their bodies with pagan piercings. Earrings worn by the male are not without meaning. The earring in the right ear only, identifies the homosexual (gay); the left ear only, a male stud or fornicator, and both ears, a bi-sexual person. "There is no fear of God before their eyes." Romans 3:18

We have a generation now of people that love the Lord yet do not understand all of His ways. Most have not seen true Christianity. However, when they do come to Christ many will be bringing their tattoos, dress, music and old habits with them right into the church. We must be sure that we do not despise them nor look down on them, but on the other hand, we must not accept all that they would desire to bring with them that would harm them and compromise the Word of God. "Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God." II Corinthians 7:1; "May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:23

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